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Dark Resurrection Crew: Fabrizio Fenner

Written by Angelo Licata.


1-How did you join the team of DR?

As I am a fan of Star Wars I often surfed on the official fan website In 2005, I found out the news of this important Italian film that was about to be shot by the website's founder, Angelo Licata. To be honest I had several doubts about the quality of the product, having already seen many fanfilms, especially Americans, who were truly amateur. But then, after watching the first trailer (which made my jaw fall onto the ground in wonder!) I completely changed my mind and I started following closely the evolution of the project. Then in 2006, after a series of email exchanges for common interests, a photo of my daughter drew the attention of Angelo Licata: he chose her for the role of the girl Hope. Almost at the same time Angelo also noticed that I enjoyed working with the software 3D Studio Max. So he asked me to make some models of the spaceships that you can see in Volume 1. In the movie I also played an extra role alongside with Sergio Muniz and Fabrizio Rizzolo, according again to Angelo's request. I nicknamed him "Krugan", mangling the name of the villain in Highlander, to which I found a particular similarity.

Dark Resurrection Crew: Angelo Giampietro

Written by Angelo Licata.



1- How did you join the team of DR?

I knew the world of Dark Resurrection in 2006 at the end of the 1st volume after reading a news in a local newspaper in Ventimiglia about two filmmakers who were shooting a science fiction movie. At first, this news made me laugh, because I thought science fiction was a film branch too much intrepid to take place in this border area. However, at the same time since I was already involved in an amateur short film production, I was very curious about it and I wanted to know better those crazy people. So, when I looked it up on the Internet, at first I found a trailer of the movie and I could hardly believe what I was watching: it was technically perfect and exciting, even if it lasted only a few minutes. Then I found the official website, which was well organized. I sent an e-mail to the director Angelo Licata and to Davide Bigazzi who welcomed me with a great spirit of friendship and sharing.



2- Can you tell us your role within the production?

Within the universe of Dark Resurrection Vol.2, I deal with the administration and organization of the film production and therefore also with the budget management and accounting, as well as with the payments for general expenses, such as technical material and equipment. Moreover, I also deal with the organization of the sets where the shootings will take place, while looking for a catering service for the staff, for instance. I also look for the locations and if needed, I ask the permission for shooting.

Dark Resurrection Crew: Mila Mirenghi

Written by Angelo Licata.


1- How did you join the team of DR?

A dear friend of mine, who worked in the production of the latest film by Fausto Brizzi, told me about Angelo and his incredible movies. I started to follow the news on the website and my curiosity grew more and more. I became an associate producer and I received the DVD Volume 1. From that moment, my only goal was to take part in this wonderful project, I was so much excited about it that Angelo thought I was mad (he admitted a few months later). One day he called me and said, "We need a press office, would you like to try?" Of course, my answer was: "Yeeeesssss!!!."