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Alexander Cimini is the music composer of Dark Resurrection Vol.2

Written by Raffaella Falletta.


It’s a great pleasure for us to introduce you to Alexander Cimini, the music composer who will create the soundtrack of Dark Resurrection Vol. 2. After his excellent work for the short movie “Closer”, the director Angelo Licata has decided to entrust this arduous task to Alexander. He has accepted with enthusiasm and as he is a great lover of Star Wars, he’s eager to add even more excitement to the images he will have to work on.


Here below is the link to listen some of the songs he has created for “CLOSER”


Here below you can also find an extract from his biography:

"Alexander Cimini was born in Bielefeld, Germany, on July 11th, 1975. Since his early childhood he has always been studying the piano, by winning numerous awards on many piano competitions. For a few years he attended the conservatory Gioacchino Rossini in Pesaro. After that, he continued his studies privately both with the pianist Maestro Franco Scala and subsequently with Maestro Denis Zardi. Since he was a child he has always been fond either of cinema and of music for films. He started cultivating this interest with a strong self-dedication when he was only fifteen years old. As a director he made several independent feature films, including the movie MARCO (RIFF Award 2011), for which he even created the original soundtrack. Moreover, he created the soundtrack for some of the films by Domiziano Cristopharo, such as: "Red Krokodil", "Shock - My Abstraction Of Death”, as well as the symphonic song "Passion and Love ?" for the film " Hyde 's Secret Nightmare", and for the movie " Bellerofonte". In 2012, together with his friend Giuseppe Zanca, he created the music for the play "Regalo a sorpresa". In 2012, Cimini met Angelo Licata, who commissioned him the soundtrack for the science fiction movie "Closer", which is currently streaming on YouTube.