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Fabio Dalla Valle. New Associate Producer of Dark Resurrection vol. 2

Written by Fabrizio Fenner.

179 Fabio Dalla Valle Arluno MI

Dark Resurrection continues to recruit new associate producers among its ranks, people who wish to contribute to the realization of the final chapter of the Saga, started many years ago.

Fabio Dalla Valle, from Arluno in the province of Milan, recently discovered Dark Resurrection and immediately wanted to contribute substantially to the project started back in 2004 by Angelo Licata.

Here are the reasons that led him to contribute to the cause:

“I saw Dark Resurrection by pure chance, while I waited at the airport for a delayed flight. A surprise the story, a surprise the movie. I felt the desire to be part of this story too.”

We would like to thank Fabio Dalla Valle and all our supporters, in particular the Dark Resurrection Associated Producers who, in a few months, will receive a preview of the novel of the final chapter of the Saga: Dark Resurrection – Keepers of the Force.

May The Force Be With You…Always!!!