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Dark Resurrection - Keepers Of The Force cover book

Written by Fabrizio Fenner.

Dear friends, we're almost there! We show you a preview of the cover of the novel:

Dark Resurrection- Keepers Of The Force.



Being linked to a non-profit project, it will not be sold, it will be distributed free worldwide and in every digital store where it will be possible to set the price to 0.

The very rare physical copies instead, about 300, will be sent as a gift only to the valiant Associated Producers, those who believed in DR from day one.

The translation and revision in English are at a good point, at the moment we assume that at the end of June the printing and the subsequent distribution will begin.

Inside, in addition to the novel of about 250 pages also twenty beautiful illustrations (perhaps more) of talented artists, Antonello Venditti, Paolo Lamanna and Alessandro Bragalini.

The Cover is a joint work of the same author, Angelo Licata and Riccardo Antonino.