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Dark Resurrection Crew: Andrea Languasco

Written by Angelo Licata.


1- How did you join the team of DR?

I met Angelo thanks to Eugenio Ripepi. I remember that night he showed me the first post-production stages of Volume 0 and I asked him so many questions about the effects and shooting techniques. One week later he called me to help him and work as an operator. From that moment on there has always been a strong cooperation between us.

2- Can you tell us your role within the production?

As in most of my previous experiences I have always dealt with the camera, working as an operator has been something quite natural for me.

3- What has given you personally the experience of DR?

Working in Dark has allowed me to meet Angelo and all the team of Dark Resurrection, made up by people like me who have a natural passion for what they do. This experience has also given me the opportunity to work in a science fiction movie (I had so much fun).

4- Tell us a personal, funny and meaningful story in short, a special moment at your choice while you were working on DR.

The moments that I remember with more pleasure are those on the set, the long nights at Angelo's home where like a patient Jedi Master he taught me some of the secrets hidden behind the Force... ehm, behing the post-production. I remember it with pleasure because creating those effects with him was so easy like playing with modeling clay for children, everything was so magic and funny.
